Tuesday 23 February 2010

Some great stuff in the Guardian by Michael Billington and Charlotte Higgins on the Tory manifesto (such as it is) on arts funding out today. Jeremy Hunt, shadow secretary for culture, describes the Conservative approach as 'radical'; what would really be radical is a government - of any stripe; this philistine Labour government is no better - recognising that the arts, which make up a poxy 0.07% of public spending, are one of the only sectors of the economy actually to have GROWN in the recession and that maybe public expenditure on culture is not a frivolous luxury but a human necessity. We got into this mess in the first place because we forgot what really mattered in the world - the arts are there to show us (cheaply, sometimes cheerfully, sometimes chasteningly) who we are. Always have done, always will.

Friday 19 February 2010

My Culture Show item on the brilliant young choreographer Jonathan Watkins went out last night and is available on iPlayer until next Thursday. His ballet 'As One' premieres at the Royal Opera House tonight and runs until 4 March

Saturday 13 February 2010

Welcome to my Blog

I have finally joined the 21st century! Welcome to my blog, where I will post occasional news of what I'm up to and the projects I'm involved in across the arts and current affairs. Thanks for checking in...